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Library And Information Centre

The Sanjay Gandhi Institute of trauma and orthopaedics was established in 1984 when the Institution started functioning, Year after year it has Made steady progress and has grown into a collection of 3000 Medical Books and 400 Bound Volumes, and with Subscription to 10 periodicals yearly on Orthopaedics., The central and Departmental Library have seating capacity of 80. In addition to Digital Library with internet facilities. The Library is open from 9.00 a. m to 9.p.m on all working days, Reprography/Photography facilities are available in the library.

Library Section

Sanjay Gandhi Institute of trauma and orthopaedics library consists of the following sections

1.Staff reading room
2.P.G Reading room
3.Video and Audio L.C.D Projector room
4.Reprography /Photography
5.Internet facility

Smt. Satya M.A,MLISC,M.PHIL in LIsc

Library Holdings
Bound volumes
10 both Foreign and Indian Subscribed per year
Audio-Visual Materials
Audio& Video cassettes, CDs on various Subjects
Audio cassettes & CD’s
RGUHS publications
Library users
Approximate No’s
Under graduate
Post graduate
Teaching staff
Honoraries, Research Students & Nursing Staff

Library Timings

Library Facilities

  • Reference Section: Latest edition of books & newly arrived periodicals are arranged subject wise and made available to be read in library premises.
  • Audio-Visual facility : Audio& Video cassettes, CD’s (L.C.D projectors) equipment is made available for students and staff.
  • Photocopying Facility- Available.
  • Internet search & E-mail facility search.


Document circulation services
The library does not lend books .Xerox copy of journals is allowed. Audio visual materials and CD’s are for in use only.

Reference Services
References Services is a personal aid provided to the user in interpreting library collection for the study. The Librarian assist users to locate needed information from the available information resources. On the basis of collection library provides services to its users.

Through this services library provides photocopies of articles from journals and books to the users as and when requested Further users can send and receive Email messages from library.

Current Awareness Services

Library has used Four Main ways to help health sciences professionals keep abreast of latest information.

  1. Telephone call
  2. Displays of new books and journals
  3. Productions of library publications i.e. new acquisition list


Audio-Visual Services
Through this service library provides audio and viedo cassettesCD’s slides of teaching programs, in the A. V. room

Computers services
The library offers the following computer services to users

  • Internet browsing and online journals access.
  • Assisting the students and faculty members for editing projects/thesis, data analysis, setting the file to the required quality of print and printing.

Helinet Service From Rguhs.

Helinet: – Health Sciences Library & information Net work.
Consortium for sharing information resources and subscribing to e-journals. RGUHS subscribes around 300 high quality journals in e-versions.