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College of Physiotherapy

About College

Sanjay Gandhi Institute of Trauma and OrthopaedicsCollege of Physiotherapy is affiliated to Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Karnataka, recognized by the Government of Karnataka with 40 seats. College of  Physiotherapy undergraduate course BPT started in year 2016 and Postgraduate course MPT started in 2022. Sanjay Gandhi Institute of Trauma and Orthopaedics (SGITO) serves as Parent Hospital with bed strength of 180.
This is the only Government Physiotherapy College in Karnataka. The college helps to all the merit-based students of Karnataka get admissions through government counselling.
Several of our staff promote continuing medical education and continuing Physiotherapy educational programmes.
The most essential need for any student and Researcher is good lecturer hall with modern methods of teaching, digital library & information services in the field of Physiotherapy.

Our Vision
To be the premier organisation working for the well being of every life we touch by providing exceptional rehabilitation care through state-of-the-art technology, cost effective high-quality services and promote ongoing research. 

Our Mission
To impart quality physiotherapy education through systematic clinical training according to International Standards that promotes excellence in physiotherapy practice.

To provide a comprehensive learning environment for holistic development of individuals to become future health care practitioners.

Principal's Desk

Prof. Sai Kumar N. MPT, MBA. Principal

Education is a shared commitment between dedicated teachers, motivated students and enthusiastic parents.
Education must lead us from the irresponsible opinion to true responsible judgment. It must lead us from chance and arbitrariness to rational clarity and intellectual order. Therefore, let us guide our students over the road of discipline to creative work.

Physiotherapy Professional is a person who practices physiotherapy by undertaking comprehensive examination and appropriate investigation, provides treatment and advice to any persons preparatory to or for the purpose of or in connection with movement or functional dysfunction, malfunction, disorder, disability, healing and pain from trauma and disease, using physical modalities including exercise, mobilization, manipulations, electrical and thermal agents and other electro therapeutics for prevention, screening, diagnosis, treatment, health promotion and fitness.                     

Physiotherapy practice spans the continuum from health promotion to prevention to rehabilitation for individuals and populations throughout the lifespan. Physiotherapists diagnose movement dysfunctions based on skilful examination and evaluation and provide skilled therapeutic intervention to foster improvement in physical functioning and maximizing overall quality of life.

Physiotherapists are health care professionals with a significant role in health promotion and treatment of injury and diseases. They combine their in-depth knowledge of the body and how it works with specialized hands-on clinical skills to assess, diagnose and treat symptoms of illness, injury or disability.

Physiotherapist must have commitments to lifelong learning and to search for the evidence that supports and advances practice. Critical thinking, problem solving, intellectual perseverance and courage are all essential characteristics of the successful physiotherapist.

Branches Of Physiotherapy

Musculoskeletal & Sports Physiotherapy involves the diagnosis, management, and treatment of injuries and disorders of the musculoskeletal system including rehabilitation after orthopaedic surgery.

Manual Therapy or manipulative therapy is a physical treatment primarily used by physiotherapists to treat musculoskeletal pain and disability. It most commonly includes joint mobilization and manipulation, myofascial release, etc.

Paediatric Physiotherapy aims to help and treat children and young people with physical problems as well as providing support to their families and care givers.

Neurological Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation focuses on the evaluation and treatment of individuals with impairments arising due to injuries and/or diseases of the nervous system.

Cardiovascular & Respiratory Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation is devoted to helping patients improve cardiovascular health & pulmonary health. 

Community Physiotherapy is a growing branch of Physiotherapy working to improve the equalization of opportunities and social inclusion of people with disabilities while combating the perpetual cycle of poverty and disability. CBR is implemented through the combined efforts of people with disabilities, their families and communities, and relevant government and non-government health, education, vocational, social and other services.

Geriatric Rehabilitation covers three areas normal aging due to disuse and deconditioning, cardiovascular problems like vascular disease and stroke, and skeletal problems including osteoporosis and osteoarthritis conditions such as knee and hip replacements. 

Physiotherapists plan and administer physiotherapy/ rehabilitation treatments independently and also as a part of the multidisciplinary team. Physiotherapists can be academicians, researchers and also can play an active role in developing & implementing health policy locally, nationally & internationally.
Spectrum of opportunities for Physiotherapist includes.

  • Hospitals & clinics
  • Private & Government Institutions.
  • Rehabilitation centres
  • Paediatric Rehabilitation
  • Ergonomics
  • Research field

Faculty Details

Dr. Ayyappan V R, PT

MPT In Cardiorespiratory & Icu Management

Dr. Roopa Lokesh PT

Associate Professor
Mpt In Cardiorespiratory & Icu Management

Dr. Reena Mersose PT

Associate Professor
Mpt In Musculoskeletal & Sports Disorders

Dr. Palani Velu PT

Assistant Professor
Mpt In Musculoskeletal & Sports Disorders

Dr. Harish Kumar P M, PT

Assistant Professor
Mpt In Musculoskeletal & Sports Disorders

Dr. Chaitra Bhat

Assistant Professor
Mpt In Cardiorespiratory & Icu Management

Dr. Hinduja Buddha

Mpt In Neurology & Psychosomatic Disorders

Dr Lavanya shashikumar

Mpt In Musculoskeletal & Sports Disorders

Courses Offered

SI. No
Name of the Course
Duration of the Course
Bachelor of Physiotherapy (BPT)
04 Years + 6 Months Internship
Masters in Physiotherapy (MPT)
2 Years
Musculoskeletal (MPT)
Per Year
Sports Physiotherapy (MPT)
Per Year

Eligibility Criteria For Admissions

Qualifying Examination:
A Candidate seeking admission to first year Bachelor in Physiotherapy (BPT): 
i) Should have passed two year Pre University examination conducted by Department of Pre University Education, Karnataka State, with English as one of the subjects and Physics, Chemistry and Biology as optional subjects. The candidate shall have passed subjects of English, Physics, Chemistry and Biology as optional subjects. The candidate shall have passed subjects of English, Physics, Chemistry and Biology individually also.


ii) Shall have passed any other examination conducted by Boards/Councils/Intermediate examination established by State Government/Central Government and recognized as equivalent to a two year Pre University Examination by Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences/ Association of Indian Universities (AIU), with English as one of the subjects and Physics, Chemistry and Biology as optional subjects. The candidate shall have passed subjects of English, Physics, Chemistry and Biology as optional subjects. The candidate shall have passed subjects of English, Physics, Chemistry and Biology individually also. 


iii) Candidates who have completed Pre-university course with Vocational Physiotherapy as their optional subject are eligible for admission to BPT course.

Eligibility Certificate

Candidates who have passed any qualifying examination other than two years PUC of Karnataka Pre-University Board should obtain and furnish the eligibility certificate issued by Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences at the time of submission of application. Without eligibility certificate applications will be rejected.

The selection of students to a course of Physiotherapy shall be based on merit provided that: In case of admission on the basis of qualifying examination, a candidate for admission to BPT course must have passed individually in the subjects of Physics, Chemistry, Biology and English and must have obtained not less than 40% marks taken together in Physics, Chemistry and Biology in the qualifying examination. In respect of candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes or Category I, the marks obtained in Physics, Chemistry and Biology together in qualifying examination is not less than 35% instead of 40% as above.

Age: A candidate seeking admission to Bachelor of Physiotherapy course should have completed 17 years of age, as on 31st December of the year of admission. Every candidate before admission to the course shall furnish to Principal of the Institution a certificate of Medical Fitness from an authorized Government Medical Officer to the effect, that the candidate is physically fit to undergo Physiotherapy course.

Method Of Selection
The Selection Is Made Solely On Merit Basis Through Government Counselling.

Course Of Study
Duration Of Course
The Duration Of The Bachelor Of Physiotherapy Course Is Four Years And Six Months Including Compulsory Rotation Internship After Passing Final Year Degree Examination.

Distribution Of Teaching Hours
The Course Of Study Leading To Bachelor Of Physiotherapy Degree Comprises Of 4½ Year. A Candidate Shall Undergo The Course Of Instruction On The Following Subjects
Click Here To See Teaching Hour Details


A candidate is required to attend at least 80 percent of the total classes conducted in a year in all subjects prescribed for that year, separately, in theory and practical / clinical to become eligible to appear for the university examination in the first attempt. Principals should notify at their college, the attendance details at the end of each term without fail, under intimation to the university.

Internal Assessment

It shall be based on evaluation of periodic tests assignments, clinical presentations etc., (see Annexure -I for example). Regular periodic examinations should be conducted throughout the course. There should be a minimum of two (2) sessional examinations during I, II, III and final year. The average of the two examination marks should be reduced to 20 and 10 for Theory and Practical/Clinical respectively, and sent to the University before the University examination as per notification. Proper record which forms the basis of the Internal Assessment should be maintained for all students and should be available for scrutiny. The marks of periodical tests should be displayed on the student notice board by Principals.
A Candidate must obtain a 35% mark in theory and practical separately in internal assessment to be eligible to write the university examination.

Schedule Of Examination

There will be two examinations in a year, to be conducted as per notification issued by the University from time to time. 

First, Second, Third and Final Examinations of BPT course shall be held at the end of 1st year, 2nd year, 3rd year and 4th year respectively. The particulars of subjects for various examinations and distribution of marks are shown separately in Tables V to VIII(Annexure of Syllabus). 

The examination for main subjects shall be conducted by the University and for subsidiary subjects by the respective college.

Criteria For Pass

1. Main Subjects
A candidate is declared to have passed university examination in a subject, if she/he secures 50 % of the marks in theory and 50 % in practical separately. For computation of 50 % marks in theory, the marks scored in the internal assessment [theory] shall be added to the University conducted written and viva voce examination and for a pass in practical, the marks scored in University conducted practical examination and internal assessment [practical] shall be added together.

2. Subsidiary Subjects
For a pass in Subsidiary subjects, a candidate shall secure 35% of the total marks prescribed for the subject. The marks obtained should be sent to the University 15 days prior to the commencement of University examination.

Scheme Of Examination

1. Click Here To See Subjects And Distribution Of Marks
2. Click Here To See Question Paper Pattern For Bpt Examination 

Declaration Of Class

  1. A candidate having appeared in all the subjects in the same examination and passed that examination in the first attempt and secures 75% of marks or more of grand total marks prescribed will be declared to have passed the examination with Distinction.
  2. A candidate having appeared in all subjects in the same examination and passed that examination in the first attempt and secures 65% of marks or more but less than 75% of grand total marks prescribed will be declared to have passed the examination in First Class.
  3. A candidate having appeared in all the subjects in the same examination and passed that examination in the first attempt and secures 50% of marks or more but less than 65% of grand total marks prescribed will be declared to have passed the examination in Second Class.
  4. A candidate passing the university examination in more than one attempt shall be placed in Pass class irrespective of the percentage of marks secured by him/her in the examination.
  5. The marks obtained by a candidate in the subsidiary subjects shall not be considered for award of Class or Rank.

[Please note fraction of marks should not be rounded off clauses (a), (b) and (c)]

Carry Over
I Year [5 main subjects] :
A candidate who has failed in I year is permitted to carry any two of the five main subjects and shall have to pass these subjects before appearing for the II year examination.
II Year [4 main subjects]:
A candidate who has failed in II year is permitted to carry any one of the four main subjects and shall have to pass these subjects before appearing for the III year examination.
III Year [5 Main subjects]:
A candidate is permitted to carry any two of the failed subjects and shall have to pass these subjects before appearing for the final year examination. 

Subsidiary subject – may be carried over by a failed candidate but shall have to pass the same before appearing for the final year examination.

There shall be six months (26 weeks) of Internship after the final year examination for candidates declared to have passed the examination in all the subjects.
No candidate shall be awarded degree certificate without successfully completing six months of Internship.
The Internship should be rotatory and cover clinical branches concerned with Physiotherapy such as Orthopaedics, Cardiothoracic including ICU, Neurology, Neurosurgery Paediatrics, General Medicine, General Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynaecology both in patient and outpatient services.

Successful Completion – The student must maintain a logbook. On completion of each posting, the same will have to be certified by the faculty in charge of the posting for both attendance as well as work done. On completion of all six postings, the duly completed logbook will be submitted to the Principal/Head of program to be considered as having successfully completed the internship program.

List Of Affiliated Hospitals
Sanjay Gandhi College of Physiotherapy students are utilizing Clinical Facilities from:

  • Bangalore Medical College
  • Victoria Hospital
  • Vani-Vilas Hospital for Women & Children
  • Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Tuberculosis & Chest diseases
  • Indira Gandhi Institute of Child Health
  • National Institute of Mental Health & Neuro Sciences (NIMHANS)
  • Kidwai Memorial Institute of Oncology
  • Sri Jayadeva Institute of Cardiology (SJIC)
  • Bowring & lady Curzon hospital
  • Mobility India


College of Physiotherapy has a unique advantage for students that help them to focus on their academic pursuits and also to live a life that enriches them personally and professionally.

Housed in an integrated and large academic Structure, the facilities at SGITO are best suited to meet every requirement. The infrastructure provides ample space, facilities and equipment for treatment of patients.

  • Lecture Halls
  • Digital Library
  • Audio Visual Room
  • Physiotherapy OPD ,
  • Consultation Room
  • Common Room for Girls
  • Ant Ragging Cell
  • Placement Assistance Cell
  • Sports Facilities for indoor and outdoor games

Electro- Therapy Department

  • Laser Therapy
  • Short Wave Diathermy (SWD)
  • Interferential Therapy (IFT)
  • Trans Coetaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulator (TENS)
  • Infra Red Radiation (IRR)
  • Wax bath
  • Moist heart Therapy
  • CPM Machine


Exercise – Therapy Department

  • Therapeutic gymnasium with motorized treadmill,
    multi – gym,
  • stationary bicycle ergo meter
  • Tilt Table
  • Shoulder Wheel
  • Wall Ladder
  • Hand Exerciser
  • Suspension Therapy Unit
  • Pulleys and Weights
  • Parallel bars
  • Quadriceps Table
  • Ankle foot Exerciser
  • Physio Balls
  • Weight Cuffs /
  • Therabands / Tube
  • Hydrotherapy Unit


The college has well equipped and a comprehensive library, which offers students with all the reference material, needed for an in-depth understanding of their specific subjects. The library also subscribes for national and international journals on the relevant subjects. Apart from this, library has a subscription for various magazines, newspapers and periodicals to encourage reference reading among students. The college also provides e-journals and e-book under HELINET consortium from Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences.

There are separate hostels for girls that are comfortable and reasonably priced. Homely environment with a provision of medical check and treatment is provided in case of emergencies.

Physiotherapy education involves outbound training sessions. Buses are deployed for transporting students from the college to hospitals for clinical postings and training.

College Council
Anti ragging Cell
Students Grievance Cell
Gender harassment cell

Events Conducted By College:

  2. Sanjay Gandhi Institute OF Trauma& Orthopaedics College OF Physiotherapy in association with Karnataka State Physiotherapy federation “WORLD PHYSIOTHERAPY DAY-2017”with the theme of “PHYSICAL ACTIVITY FOR LIFE”
  3. On the occasion of International women’s day conducted a talk on Physiotherapy in Women’s health “RHITHUMATHI” on 08-03-2018.
  4. SGITO Collegeof Physiotherapyin association with Karnataka State Physiotherapy Federation “WORLD PHYSIOTHERAPY DAY-2019”with the theme of “CHRONIC PAIN MANAGEMENT”
  5. On the occasion of Kannada Rajyotsava November- 2019 Organised free camp on mechanical pain in BMTC BUS depot staffs at Jayanagar 4th T block, Bangalore.
  6. An international webinar conducted on the topic “Interpretation of Chest X-rays in cardiopulmonary conditions” -24/07/2020 by Dr. Gopala Krishna Alarpathi, PhD, PT … University of Sharjah, UAE
  7. Webinar on the topic “Functional anatomy and clinical biomechanics of shoulder joint” conducted- 27/07/2020 by Dr H.Karvannan , PhD ,PT ,Manipal college of health sciences, Bangalore.
  8. Webinar conducted on the topic “Cardiac rehabilitation”- 28/07/2020 & 29/07/2020 by Dr Veena Kiran Nambiar, PhD, PT. M S Ramaiah Medical college, Bangalore.
  9. An International Webinar conducted on the topic “Cancer Rehabilitation”- 28/08/2020 by Dr Ajay prasad Gautam, AP, King Khalid University, Saudi Arabia.
  10. Webinar conducted on the topic “Pregnancy Rehabilitation”-16/09/2020 by Dr Asha Nayak, Women’s health therapist, lactation consultant & counsellor, Sagar Hospital Bangalore.
  11. Webinar conducted on the topic “The art of muscle palpation & its clinical application”- 22/09/2020 by Dr Vinod Kumar Jain, Sports physio(Ranji Karnataka State Cricket Association), HOD Maiya Multi-speciality Hospital, Bangalore.
  12. Webinar conducted on the topic “Mobilization” Principles & Techniques-25/09/2020 and 29/09/2020 by Dr S. Selvin James (PT) Apollo Hospitals, Chennai.
