Emergency Helpline Number: 080-2656 4516 Email: sitodirector@gmail.com

Department of Immunohematology and Blood Transfusion (IHBT)

Your Blood Saves

About Us

Transfusion medicine (or transfusiology) is the branch of medicine concerned with the transfusion of blood and its components. The Blood Bank at Sanjay Gandhi Institute of Trauma and Orthopaedics offers 24/7 blood banking services to both in-house patients and those outside the hospital who are in urgent need of blood or its components.

The Department of Transfusion Medicine (Blood Bank) is licensed by the Directorate General of Health Services under the Central Drugs Standard Control Organisation, Government of India.

Our motto is to provide an adequate and timely supply of safe, quality blood and blood components, duly tested and free from transfusion-transmitted infections, to the right patient at the right time (RIGHT BLOOD, RIGHT TIME, RIGHT PATIENT).


The blood is sourced from voluntary blood donors and blood donation camps, in association with NGOs. The collected blood is separated into components, tested, stored, cross-matched, and issued to patients.

Storage Capacity

The blood bank currently has a storage capacity of 900 units of packed red cells, 48 units of platelets, and 500 units of fresh frozen plasma.



Blood Bank Officers:

  • Dr. Shanthi Jyothi K, MBBS, DCP
  • Dr. Keerthi Murthy K S, MBBS, MD(Pathology)


  • Sreedhar S
  • Puttaswamaiah D K


Phone: 080-26944320
Email: bbsito97@gmail.com


  • Subsidized rates of 50 % to all government hospital patients.
  • Free for BPL card holders, Thalassemia, Hemophilia and HIV positive patients

Blood bank 080 26564516 Ext 320
Website bbsito97@gmail.com

If you are looking for blood and blood products , call this number 9480044444

Call 104 for blood stock information.

Access website
for blood stock information.

Blood Donation camps



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